Vintage Bamboo Tea Scoop With Hand-Carved Poem, Bamboo and Rock

This is a vintage tea scoop. A smooth patina has developed on the surface through time and prolonged usage. On the surface of the scoop is etched Bamboo and Rock by a seasoned artist which makes the scoop a precious/handy tool when making tea, but also an art for appreciation during tea ceremonies.
Carved: 任爾東西南北風. Carving by Zhu Shi in autumn.
This the part of the poem from 竹石 Bamboo and Rock, by 鄭板橋 Zheng Banqiao.
咬定青山不放鬆,立根原在破巖中, 千磨萬擊還堅勁,任爾東西南北風.
The meaning of the full poem:
Between broken rocks striking my root deep,
I bite the mountain green and won’t let go.
From whichever direction the winds leap,
I remain strong, though dealt many a blow.
Condition: Used good condition
Dimensions: L: 15.2 cm, W: 5.4 cm, H: 1.6 cm

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